PROGRAM Download in PDF
18.00-18:30 h Welcome
18.30-19.30 h
Opening lecture
The uses of ethnic identities between history and memory: an approach
Fernando Devoto, Research Institute of the Faculty of Social Sciences of the UCA, Buenos Aires, AR
9.00-10.30 h
Chair: Emilia García López, Council
of Galician Culture/ Galician Migration Archive
María González Blanco and Vicente Peña Saavedra, University of Santiago de Compostela, ES: New migrations from Galicia to Germany: educational profiles and social networks
Sahra-Josephine Hjorth, Aalborg University, DK: Social media usage among Romanian labour migrants in Denmark: Exploring types of usage and implications
Sara Ingrosso, Ludwig-Maximilians- Universität Munich, DE: Italian newcomers to Germany and cultural identity
Rebeka Mesarić Žabčić, Institute for Migration and Ethnic Studies Zagreb, Croatia, HR: European migrations and cultural identities: The Croatian community in Germany
Laura Oso and Raquel Martínez Buján, University of A Coruña-ESOMI, ES: Mobility strategies and gender in a context of economic crisis in Galicia
10.30-11.00 h Break
11.00-12.30 h
Chair: Catrine KyØ Hermansen, The Danish Immigration Museum, DK.
Maria Giovanna Cassa, University of Milan Bicocca, IT: Nord-Sud mobility, negotiating a sense of belonging in Italian families living outwith Europe
José Manuel Estévez Saa, University of A Coruña, ES: Cartographies of Contemporary Migrations and transcultural identities in 21 century English and American Literature
Maria Beatriz Rocha-Trindade , Centro de Estudos das Migrações e das Relações Interculturais, CEMRI, Universidade Aberta, UAb, Lisboa, PT: Portuguese diaspora: political potential of an expansive social reality
Cristina López Moreno, Sheffield Hallam University, GB: Spanish post-2008 migration outflows: media narrative versus statistical "reality"
12.30-13.30 h Lunch
13.30-15.00 h
Chair: Fernando Devoto, Research Institute of the Faculty of Social Sciences of the UCA, Buenos Aires, AR
Manuela Palacios, María Xesús Nogueira Pereira, Margarita Estévez Saá and María Jesus Lorenzo Modia, University of A Coruña/University of Santiago de Compostela, ES: Parallels between contemporary Galician and Irish migrant diasporas
Edurne Aróstegui, University of the Basque Country, ES: The construction of Basque-American identity through the analysis of literary sources
Dietmar Osses, LWL Industrial Museum- Westphalian State Museum for Industrial
Heritage and Culture, Hannover Colliery, DE: Rise and fall of German immigrant communities in the USA 1848-1918
Patrick Fitzgerald, Mellon Centre for Migration Studies, Ulster American Folk Park, Omagh, Northern Ireland: Irish and Basque Diaspora: A comparative analysis
15.00-15.30 h Break
15.30-18.30 h
Chair: X. M. Núñez Seixas, Ludwig- Maximilians-Universität Munich/Archive of Galician Migration
Federica Moretti, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, BE: New regulations, old feelings: houses, returns, disappointment
Antonello Scialdone, ISFOL – Dept. of Welfare, Rome (IT): On Cossack legacy and matriarchs in exile. Linking nation-building process and rherotics of womanhood in Ukrainian diaspora
Maria Luisa Di Martino, University of Deusto, ES: Migrant women's career paths in the Basque Country: a re-construction of Identity
Inese Auzina Smith, Latvian Documentation Center and Archive, UK: Documenting the history and cultural identity of the Latvian diaspora in Brazil
Raphael Tsavkko García, University of Deusto, ES: Historical background of the Basque Diaspora in Latin America: integration and tensions
Adam Walaszek, Jagiellonian University, Crakow, PL: From the May 3 Constitution Day celebrations to the "Bartek Bieda Show". Polish and Polish diaspora culture in the United States 1870-1930
Pernille Skovgaard Christensen, Aalborg University, DK: Impacts of the Church? Processes of ethnic safeguarding in Midwestern Danish immigrant communities
Simone Eick, German Emigration Center Bremerhaven, DE: Becoming a Palatine:
The "poor protestant refugees" from Germany and their different identities in London and N.Y. 1709-1760
Elissa Gosso, University of Turin, IT: "Iglesias de transplante": Protestant migration to South America between autonomy and attachment to the Mother Church. The case of Waldensians
9.00-10.30 h
Chair: José Moya, Barnard College/Columbia University, US
Eleonora Angella, University of Naples l’Orientale, IT: The making of a feminist paradigm: an italian woman in Egypt at the outset of the 20th century
Cenk Berkant, Mugla University, TR: The Italian community of Izmir (Turkey) and its characteristic buildings in the city
Solange Maslowski, Charles University in Prague, CZ: Freedom of movement of persons in the outermost regions of the EU: the case of Reunion island
Javier Colodrón, University of Santiago Compostela, ES: Galicians: the baton of Cuban anarchism (1880-1898)
María Fouz Moreno, University of Oviedo, ES: Galician music, emigration and otherness: the presence of Galicia in the musical production of Argentinian composers from mid-twentieth Century
10.30-11.00 h Break
11.00-12.30 h
Chair: Dietmar Osses, LWL Industrial Museum-Westphalian State Museum for Industrial Heritage and Culture, Hannover Colliery, DE.
Freja Gry Børsting, The Danish Immigration Museum, DK: Letting go of the reins. Audience involvement at the Danish Inmigration Museum
Michalina Petelska, Emigration Museum in Gdynia, PL: Polish identity on the other side of the planet. The cooperation between the Emigration Museum in Gdynia and Polish diaspora based on the example of the projects conducted with Polish New Zealanders and Polish Diaspora in America
Chris Zisis, Institute of Cultural Anthropology/Folklore Studies, Hamburg University, DE: Visual and material displays of migration histories) in museums/exhibitions in Germany. Case study: Greek 'Gastarbeiter' in Germany. Towards collaborative museum work with immigration communities
Antra Celmina, Latvian Abroad-Museum and Research Center, LV: Genealogy as a method for the restoration of identity and diaspora-homeland ties after the Iron Curtain: The Latvian example
Nonja Peters, Curtin University Sustainability Policy Institute, AU: Developing a sustainable model in mutual cultural digital heritage: Tools and cases
12.30-13.30 h Lunch
13.30-16.00 h
SESSION 7: European crises on migration today
Chair: Maddalena Tirabassi, Centro Altreitalie, Vice Chair AEMI
Tina Magazzini, University of Deusto, ES: Policing Roma integration between diversity recognition and deconstruction of the mainstream
Paul Pauseback, NordfriiskInstituut, Bredstedt, DE: Looking back into the future? An outlook on the AEMI Conference 2017
Jean-Barthelemi Debost, Musée national de l’histoire de l’immigration, Paris, FR: How the Musée national de l'histoire de l'imigration respond to migration crisis in Europe?
Open discussion on the European Migration Crises with the participation of:
Riccardo Roba, Antonello Scialdone, Hans Storhaug, Laura Oso
16.00-16.30 h Break
16.30-17.30 h
Closing lecture
Diasporas and cultural identities in a global perspective
José Moya, Barnard College/Columbia University
17.30 h
Closing address
Guided tour to Santiago’s Cathedral SATURDAY 1
09.30-12.30 h
AEMI Annual General Meeting (AEMI Members)
15.00 h
Walking of Santiago’s Pilgrimage Way
Consello da Cultura Galega
Arquivo da Emigración Galega
Association of European Migration Institutions
Sarah Clément
Emilia García López Eva Meyer
Xosé M. Núñez Seixas Hans Storhaug Maddalena Tirabassi
Consello da Cultura Galega Pazo de Raxoi, 2o andar
Praza do Obradoiro, s/n
15705 Santiago de Compostela Galicia (Spain)